I was at the mrt station that day when the train came. I was waiting on the platform for the opposite train to arrive when I saw my friend from aust in that train. It was a bit far and I wasn't really sure if it was him. So I didn't want to look like a fool by waving in case he wasn't looking. Anyway, he started waving first and I waved back and the train sped off again. I was thinking...it is really a small world.
Went to the dentist for a checkup today. It was over and done in no time. Had a haircut today. It was...Ok I think. Qte satisfied with it. At least it wasn't horrendous-horrendous. Recalled that I had hideous ones as a kid, esp when they cut your hair so short it looked like I was on the brink of shaving. hehe.
Hmm...Am I not wrong to say that everyone changes their character at some point of time in their life? People make new friends, forget the old. Although they don't say it, the feeling is obvious. As if there a huge moat between old friendships that can never be surpassed in anyway. Inevitable isn't it? As depressing as it sounds, it is true. It is just fate whether you will meet them again and whether the connection felt once can be strong again.
Watched 'A walk to remember' that day. I love the story plot although the acting was amateurish and can be further polished. On the other hand, I realised that Korean shows are really close to the heart. So many love stories, each one touching my heart to a certain extent. They are truly masters of this trade, or genre. I wonder if every girl wishes to be in a fairy tale where everything simply ends in a cannot-be-better perfect ending. With Prince Charming, that is. I do. But how often does it happen? Who does it descend upon? I doubt me. It's nice to dream abt such stuff once in a while. Indulge in my own fairy tale where only sweet events happen because apparently they don't in reality. I don't believe. Don't want to harbour false hopes. They are just way out of my reach. Period.
I was thinking...I don't want to be 19. Let alone 20. The number 2 just seems so 'fat and heavy', so much burden and of course, OLD. Can't imagine when I am 30. I'll be labelled a spinster then. I'll seriously consider going to the nunnery or not get married ultimately. Not that I really want to get married but...you get what I mean. Unwanted and in preparation for discard. And then, at 40, I'll be old and wrinkly like a dried up leaf left to shrivel and rot silently. I just can't imagine. Hmm...just wild thoughts and scary ones.