ballade pour adeline

Monday, January 31, 2005

It's been another quick stay here. Before long, I'll be back to U. Mugging my head off.

Been a private nurse for my parents for the past few days because my mum was sick then my dad. I was in the kitchen half the time actually. Never been there for a longer time in my life. I didn't cook meals. Just prepared dessert that my mum felt like eating, poured drinks, squeezed lemon (which I think I haven't done that in a million years) and made a little fruit salad. Qte proud of myself actually. haha. But I thought it was only right to do so. Like a dutiful daughter. I'm sure there is a reason for my name. hehe. Anyway, cooking really isn't that bad. I thought it's qte interesting. You get to experiment and produce whatever food you want. haha. I am only talking from the dessert point of view because I guess it isn't as messy as when cooking dinner or sth. The only problem abt cooking meals is the washing up. I don't mind washing but I mind oily and greasy stuff. Looks like my hand is for manual labour. Anyhow, maybe it's better than doing nothing at home.


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