what is so gay abt spongebob that christians are against him? don't u think it's qte crazy.barney as well. even if they are really gay, what's so bad abt it? i mean some pple are just born homosexual; their testerones are more than their oestrogens. it's not like they chose to be gay or what. why can't we just leave them alone? they are humans just like us, God's children just like us. I don't see any problem. So what if the kids who watched these cartoons turn out gay or so what if they don't? For heavens sakes, just leave them alone!!!...
And the funny thing about it is that the attackers are all confused because their are two "We Are Family" organizations. The one that made the video did so as a "call for unity" after the 9/11 attacks. The other one (that Spongebob has nothing to do with) supports gay teenagers. So on top of looking like the bigots they are, they are exposing what kind of idiots they are.
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