So be it. So be it.
Well! Today for prac, we tampered with stethoscopes! It was qte cool I think- I know I am such a goony but please forgive me, the last time I played with one was when I was er......3? I don't know. hehe. It was qte fun, considering that it was a REAL stethoscope compared to the one I had when I was 3. Hehe. It wasn't even mine. =P Gonna get 1 next yr...hmm we have to.
Gosh. 2 hrs of freaking straw-barry tutorial. Oh man. Oh man. Nvm. Tmr is another rest day=) and there's raymond on tonight...I need to start on my essay. How to start. That's the huge problem. I seriously have zilch idea what to write. The research and all. Crap.
I was really shocked during lect today. The lecturer was flabbergasted that pple were talking during his lect so he warned that anyone who spoke wld be asked to leave the LT- without warning. And...liz was called to leave. She was sitting in the 1st row and probably asking her friend sth and the lecturer commanded her to leave. yup, she was the meanie who made me feel so horrible when I first started out in the course. I wasn't gloating, just that she appeared qte smart and hardwking to me so I was a little appalled that she was made to leave. Oh well, she looked qte pissed at the lecturer. Nvm.
The doky lecturer actually reminded me of banana brain aka wong-my hist tcher. Kept repeating the same thing over and over again. I want to eatttttt.............
I am happy for you girl=)
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