ballade pour adeline

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Zanked. Zonked. Zaned.

Gawd. just sat through 3 hrs of gruelling lectures. How did I do that? Woaw it was draining. 3 different lectures. I still can't believe it. Sat there for 3 hrs! Man...what was going on man?

Lunch time. I NEED to find food. All alone. Blah. I think I am going to roam the streets again. hahaa...I need a break!!!...3 hrs! I still can't believe it. Coming to terms with it. Hehe. Eyes shutting down soon. Haven't had that still sec4 banana wong's lect/tut.

Without a walkman, my walk to uni every morn is a silent one. It made it inclined to think more and also talk more to myself. Sounds kinda eccentric but oh well, things just float in and outta my mind. Rumble rumble rumbling in my head. Oh and that's my stomach now. Haha.


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