Something exciting happened at school today!...Pple-in-charge sent us emails a couple of days ago informing us that the sch maybe condoned-off for some construction thingy going on today but little did I realise that..........hehe they were actually filming! There was a group of crew who had been patrolling the area outside my school for the entire day and I realised that the 'sch of physio' sign had been covered over with a similar sized board with the words the name of a police station. Haha. Okie, so apparently my school became a police station in the film. Haha. Thought it was qte hilarious. =P then as I was on my way back, I saw that the void area directly beside my sch blding was opened (for once) and there were a few sophisticated machinery inside. I didn't know that all these were for a cause-for the filming of 'ghost-rider'. hehe. The nicholas cage film. I went for class in the afternoon (straw-barry was sick today so my prac tutor took over which wasn't very nice since that meant that we had to talk more than usual). Anyway, that was WHEN I realised that they were filming for 'ghost-rider' as classmates were talking about it. Unfortunately, after a few neck raises on my way back, I didn't see nicholas cage. Haha. =P
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