ballade pour adeline

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Ah. Idiot. the internet connection conked out because my sis just hung up the phone. There goes my blog. Damn irritating.

On re-typing:
Argh. I am lazy to type it again.

2 points:

pt 1) Had a sudden impulse to read a blog dated back to 5th feb and 12th feb. I felt happy reading it again. They happened 2 mths ago. I am looking forward to doing that again in 7 mths time. Miss chilling out with friends.

pt 2) Watched ER earlier and was glad that I cld relate to the medical terms and conditions. Rouses me to watch more. Never watched it at home because I didn't know what they were talking about. Now it makes me feel like the medical complications printed in the books are part of day to day life which occurs so very often.

notice how incoherent the blog entry is. Just cutting my crap short. Period. End of story.

Just watched the news that 2 women stole the 10cm plasticinated foetus from the body worlds. Heartless pple. And newsreader said that pple hope that the body worlds exhibition will come to aust soon. blah blah blah. Why is this country always 2nd to everything? Or maybe just 2nd to singapore. just admit it lah. they are slow. =X


At 6:23 AM, Blogger Daniel Kerensky said...

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