ballade pour adeline

Friday, July 22, 2005

Neo-Nazi march woke her up
MS Janemee Wong hadher firstbrush with racism five years ago.
One week after leaving Singapore toenroll in United World College in Trieste, Italy, she heard there was aneo-Nazi protest happening downtown.
'Irealised I was now a stranger in someone else's country,' said Ms Wong, nowa 23-year-oldundergraduate at Brown University in the US.
'It was the first time I realised that in placesoutside Singapore, I could be killed for my skin colour. I could have beenkilled because I was notwhite.'

He said: 'Before I left Singapore, I was never conscious that ethnicity could fracture society. I had a 'We are all the same' mentality.' '

ref: new paper

Geez...that's pretty true...


At 9:04 PM, Blogger bubblE said...

hahaRz...hail you. >_-


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