ballade pour adeline

Saturday, March 05, 2005

ooo today was really exciting. Only for 10min. Hehe. There was this stretch of motorcycles on eliz st at 420pm. Somewhat at least 300 motorcycles down a whole stretch of street! Can you imagine that!...Initially I heard the vroom vroom noises then I went to the window and saw a pretty neat pack of black motorcycles streaming down eliz street. I was pretty sure it was part of the 'ghost-rider' movie filming. Hah! So exciting. Never seen soooooooo many bikes at 1 go before. I am sure cage of ONE of the THREE HUNDRED. haha. Too hard to spot eh? Oh well. Argh. I love this actor man. Superb acting skills. Well...It was kinda noisy but often do you get to see such a scene? It seem qte incessant when they first came by. Like schools and schools of kids entering the hall. Yup. Nice. Too bad I didn't have the digicam with me then.

hehe...I dreamt of cage last night. Like I dreamt that I actually met him face to face. So cool eh. hehe. I will watch 'ghost-rider' hehe. Oh my sis's friend actually managed to take a shot of him and the cameraman and director from her balcony, with the hollywood camera and the pseudo petrol kiosk backdrop at a lil corner of lil' lonsdale st. Nice. Shall post it up someday. Hehe. wanna see him...


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