ballade pour adeline

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Okie dokz the day is finally over. My most dreaded days-mon and thurs. Today...well got humiliated yet again. CRS prac. The ever so sadistic prac tutor persecuted me again. "Tell me abt the superior thoracic aperture". "I don't know". Wah piangz eh...I didn't know lor. Haiz. Then physio prac is in the morn, got sabotaged by my friend. Asked her to say "comfortable warmth", she was like "mild warm". Argh. Nvm nvm. Breathe. So sorry but I needed to complain in my blog. Haha. All the hideous sufferings everyday.'s killing me. And then during Barry's tut, time was literally crawling by. Looked at the time. 3.20. What! I only survived 1 hr!...haha...okie...he was crap. Made everyone ard the table read the conclusion and he exclaimed: "Wait...THERE'S A COMMA. SEE THAT ROUND THING? YOU HAVE TO PAUSE." Like "............." Ok...and then when it was my turn to read he asked me to be more excited. Ok fine. I think I managed to. Haiz. That's my day in a para.


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