ballade pour adeline

Sunday, February 06, 2005

I wldn't exactly call that a hangover last night but boy am I drop dead tired. Like I am still yawning at 12pm. haha. Teary eyes and stuff. I think it was qte fun. Like recently I found more and more interesting pple. Guys who like shopping. That's a new one for me and they really enjoy shopping. Haha. Actually it was qte funny last night because when my friend and I were at a junction outside suntec there's this group of st nick pupils who kept staring at my friend. Like they kept turning ard and looking, probably because of the jap image. Haha. But I think it was qte fascinating for them because each really had a 'jaw-dropping' kind of reaction. Haha. oh well. Crap. I am still yawning now. Slept at 3.30am. Maybe that's why.


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