ballade pour adeline

Monday, December 05, 2005

I thought i saw melvin i-dunno-what on the bus today. I am pretty sure it's him. His distinct refined lady-like voice and boisterous laughter. It's him man. Anyway, been out shopping with my parents today. I prob shld enjoy my days first before the results are out. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, don't you think so? The same applies to him. I haven't seen him online for a week. Somehow, it gives the tinge of another you3 yuan2 wu2 fen4 scenario. Then again. Maybe it's just me.

Pple say, good things come to those who wait patiently- got that off animal planet. A couple of days ago, I was desperately flicking through the buttons on the remote when I stumbled across some wildlife story in the ocean. As quoted from the narrator "the snail, sensing the threat from the (that shelled creature, I forgot the name), FLEES." Then the next moment, they filmed this pathetic snail crawling frantically at 5mm/sec away from its predator. I was laughing my head off. Raucous laughter that my mum from my room 8m asked me what I was giggling so happily abt. Another sad case. Geez. It just struck me that I find entertain in a snail's life. Ok, THAT sounds rather forlorn to me. I am a sick, perverted, disgusting maniac. God Bless You.


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