ballade pour adeline

Sunday, August 13, 2006

still feeling like shit.

Today I went to kbox with can, dre and fen. I waited 1/2 hr for them. was supposed to meet them at 1.30pm but NONE of them were there. I was pissed...for the sake of getting pissed. it wasn't intentional, just that I was feeling lousy and I had to stand there looking like a complete goddamn idiot until 2pm. but when I met them, all my anger just dispersed. I wasn't angry with them, just that I was (still am) bugged by unresolved situations :( I missed them, after not having seen them for 2 weeks after the MBC exam. Shall plan another havoc outing soon, within these 2 weeks.

Dre and fen, being the elders of us 4, kept saying that they were leading ME astray because I was the youngest and hadn't been to a ktv, a pool place and clubbing.

Anyway, I had fun today. Since each cld have 2 glasses of drinks tog with the singing, I had Rum mixed with sprite and then a sweet almond lemon drink which tasted like shit. Sadly, I didn't get drunk, just ended up getting hot flushes. i wanted a vodka but I hated the bitterness in alcohol, Life is bitter enough. dre had a shandy (which was good) & ginseng drink and fen and can had tequila+coke & red date drink and whisky+coke & that sucky sweet almond drink respectively. can thought the whisky was qte strong and so didn't finish it.

in the evening, i remembered that i just had durians (compliments from my uncle/neighbour) b4 i went out and THEN had alcohol at ktv. lethal combi if i recall correctly. Well, on 2nd thoughts, i had musings that maybe death can solve my issues...Yes, i am that sad...

We drank like nobody's business and sang from 2pm-7pm like tmr was the end of the world. When F.I.R's songs like Fly Away was on, the 4 of us were high and kept jumping on the seats. Alrighty, I STARTED THE JUMPING and PRANCING ON CHAIRS PART. It was a hyper song anyway. How cld ANYONE sit and sing that song? I can't sing for peanuts. Deirdre was a superb singer...She CAN SING. at least among the 4 of us--the most IN-TUNE. I was having difficulty because I hadn't listen to chinese songs for like...erm...since I was 13??? So yeah, I cld never catch the tune, except maybe for just 1 song, out of the erm...Many.



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